22 Year Old Jacob Goodwin never had a criminal record and is now sentenced to 8 years in prison for an altercation with DeAndre Harris that lasted only a few seconds. Learn all the facts before you jump to conclusions in this highly charged politicized case. DeAndre Harris started the incident by swinging a large flashlight at the head of Harold Cruz and DeAndre gets > $166,000.00 in donations and Jacob Goodwin gets 8 years in prison. Truth and Justice have fallen in the streets in America.
Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the Lord.
Messaging and Commissary for Jacob
Inmate ID# 1931215, Virginia Department of Corrections
Jacob's mailing address is kept up-to-date on the YearOfJubile.com Home Page.
Tamera and Scott Goodwin
13992 Libby Lane
Ward Arkansas 72176
Note: Jacob can receive HARDBACK books.
If you purchase and send any of the books below to Jacob, please let me know so that I can cross them off the list.
King James Bible (sent)
48 Laws of Power (Banned by Dept. of Corrections, do not send this one.)
Any books by David Irving
Robert Frost: Selected Poems (Hardcover) by Robert Frost (sent)
Merchants of Sin by Benjamin Garland (sent)
Final Entries 1945: The Diaries of Joseph Goebbels
Communism with the Mask Off and Bolshevism in Theory and Practice by Joseph Goebbels
If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy by Jared Taylor
White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century Paperback by Jared Taylor
Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America by Jared Taylor
Face to Face with Race by Jared Taylor
Which Way Western Man? by William Gayley Simpson
any books that are anti communist and pro maintaining the identity of western civilization
Rise of the Warrior Cop by Radley Balko (sent)
The Kennel by Kent Hovind (sent)
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand (sent)
Your own recommendations?
Inmate ID# 1931215, Virginia Department of Corrections
Don't let the communist news media spread lies about Jacob. Write the governor and ask political leaders to look into this case and ask them to free Jacob Goodwin.
The bible says we can talk to God Almighty. Try it. Ask God to free Jacob Goodwin from prison.
There are people in this country who have an agenda and they are demonizing Jacob and his family with lies and propaganda. Turn the tables on these liars and fight them with the truth.